A lot of times, people's reasoning for ignoring or not taking action against sexual prejudice is not because they dislike non heterosexuals, but because they are not aware of how big of a problem it is. Sexual orientation minorities are often times hurt or inconvenienced because of the heterosexual privilege. The heterosexual privilege is the unearned advantage that is given to heterosexual people strictly due to their sexual orientation. Although most people are aware that sexual orientation minorities are discriminated against occasionally, many people do not know just how many areas of life the heterosexual privilege occurs in.
Some of the more commonly known forms of heterosexual privilege include the ability to legally marry the person you love, being accepted to work wherever you want, being able to join whatever religion you want without ridicule, and having public support of your relationship.
However, the list is much longer than that. With every example of discrimination, there are further inconveniences that trickle down from this prejudice.